Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It seems that you have gathered a lot of information about global warming. You also seem to be very concerned. After I read this, I believe I have become more aware of global warming. It was very interesting, and concerning that there was no place to recycle batteries. If everyone could do their part as you said, I am sure that the world will become a better place. This blog has really made me think about this topic. You have really done a good job of writing this blog.

Comment by Erin

Hey Chloe,
You were so commited to this I-search, just like everything else. You really found a lot of both interesting and eye opening facts. I too love nature and want to help it in any way possible. I guess easier is said then done. I don't really have anything to talk to you about that is horribly wrong. You set out on an intuitive and insightful experience and I am glad that you got the results that you wanted. I think that when we all finish with our I-searches that you should not only make it available to us, but to other people in our school and in our community to get them involved and show them what is going on around us. You don't have to if you don't want to, but I think it will get quite a lot of attention and hopefully help our community as well as others around us to act and help save our planet. Amazing job!

Sara's Response

Hey Chloe,
I love the look of your blog, even if my picture didn't work. I started reading your blog all the way from the bottom, and here are some notes as I go along:
  • You keep mentioning how "this" could be the answer, but "this" really shows the basis of my question. We know this. Otherwise, it wouldn't be on your blog. Keep telling us facts, not what you plan to do with them.
  • I understand why you ask yourself many questions as you go, but try to answer them as well. I understand that many cannot be answered, "Why aren't people utilizing the immense amount of options that are available now?", but think of some reasons why this is so.
  • Suggestions for people to fight global warming??? What should I do, besides join 1Sky??
Otherwise, I think your blog is fantastic. You really came up with a lot of information (my eyes hurt) and you pretty much did a good job of keeping it under control. You did have a few speling erorrs, but nothing major. Nice Job.


This is an amazing blog, you have so much useful information about global warming. Before I read your blog I wasn't very aware of how bad global warming was. When I read your blog I can tell that you are very passionatre about this topic of global warming. It is great that you have started the Climate Action Club, making people more aware of what is going on. Also I thought it was very interesting how you called many big stores to see if they recycled bateries, I find it very dissapionting that there isn't a place to recycle batteries.
After reading this blog I feel more aware about global warming and what it is doing to this planet. Also I am going to be a lot more careful about what I do to the enviorment. I would like to thank you for informing me on all the information on global warming, it has open my eyes a lot on how bad this really is.



I love how commited you are to your topic that you left your thesis so broad in order to cover a lot of information. Sounds like you have done a phenomenal job gathering your information and answering every aspect of the topic. It's very convenient that you've chosen a topic that is popular and happening right now. This pertains to everyone in the world, and is important. You have a lot of interesting information and would have NO problem writing a 10 page paper. Great work!
