Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sara's Response

Hey Chloe,
I love the look of your blog, even if my picture didn't work. I started reading your blog all the way from the bottom, and here are some notes as I go along:
  • You keep mentioning how "this" could be the answer, but "this" really shows the basis of my question. We know this. Otherwise, it wouldn't be on your blog. Keep telling us facts, not what you plan to do with them.
  • I understand why you ask yourself many questions as you go, but try to answer them as well. I understand that many cannot be answered, "Why aren't people utilizing the immense amount of options that are available now?", but think of some reasons why this is so.
  • Suggestions for people to fight global warming??? What should I do, besides join 1Sky??
Otherwise, I think your blog is fantastic. You really came up with a lot of information (my eyes hurt) and you pretty much did a good job of keeping it under control. You did have a few speling erorrs, but nothing major. Nice Job.

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