Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This is an amazing blog, you have so much useful information about global warming. Before I read your blog I wasn't very aware of how bad global warming was. When I read your blog I can tell that you are very passionatre about this topic of global warming. It is great that you have started the Climate Action Club, making people more aware of what is going on. Also I thought it was very interesting how you called many big stores to see if they recycled bateries, I find it very dissapionting that there isn't a place to recycle batteries.
After reading this blog I feel more aware about global warming and what it is doing to this planet. Also I am going to be a lot more careful about what I do to the enviorment. I would like to thank you for informing me on all the information on global warming, it has open my eyes a lot on how bad this really is.


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